The E-Peso evaluation was conducted approximately six months after the project closed and during pandemic lockdowns. Evaluation learning, dissemination, and use focused on providing the Office of Economic Growth and Democratic Governance answers to a limited number of learning questions and communicating the evaluation’s results to the implementing partner for their use in new programs. Because the evaluation was limited in scope and was conducted after project close-out, making it impractical to reach many key informants, CLAimDev and its COR agreed that the learning, dissemination, and use plan should include only the traditional written report and presentation of the results.

Mission Learning Event
January 26, 2022

This learning event was a traditional remote presentation of the evaluation results.

Learning Event with Chemonics International and Panagora Group
January 31, 2022

This learning event was held remotely with Chemonics International and Panagora Group, both in Washington, DC.

The lesson learned from the E-Peso learning, dissemination, and use is:

  • Carefully consider the costs and benefits of investing in learning, dissemination and use. In the E-Peso case, the evaluation results were not surprising. The Mission was not planning follow-on programming and the main stakeholders had moved on to different endeavors. In these circumstances, traditional evaluation presentations and a written report communicated directly to the evaluation’s principal audience provided value for money.